There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about Blackridge Community Council and our great village.
We hope you enjoy our website.
We are a committed team of regular members and part-time volunteers, many of whom have full time jobs.
All Meetings have a Chairperson, Vice Chair and Secretary.
Meetings have regular attendance from local Councillors, Community Police along with representation from Primary School staff and other local interest groups.
Minutes of meetings are available to view here.
Blackridge Community Council has seen many members and volunteers over the years from diverse backgrounds and this experience brings a fresh perspective with every new elected group of members.
We focus on making the maximum positive impact for our community. Our members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us affect change to make a lasting difference to our great village.
Welcome to our Community Council Website.
It's in its infancy but has been introduced alongside our village newsletter. Feel free to have a browse around and let us know what you think!
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