Blackridge Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute, by the Local Authority and run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy.
Our Community Council is comprised of people who care about their community and want to make it a better place to live.
As well as representing the community to the local authority, Community Councils facilitate a wide range of activities which promote the well-being of their communities. They bring local people together to help make things happen, and they protect and promote the identity of their community. They advise, petition, influence and advocate numerous causes and cases of concern on behalf of the local Community.
At present, one of our main projects is “Blackridge in Bloom”, where you can see many hanging baskets, tubs and planters bringing seasonal colour as you travel in and through the village.
In addition to this there have been numerous volunteers (including primary school groups) planting daffodil bulbs in and around the village. There will be more planters, seats, and areas being given a face lift in the near future. This will add to the previous improvements made near the railway station and on walkways around Blackridge.
Another main project along with the support of Foundation Scotland (who help us to administer the funding from the various local wind farms) is where we encourage local groups to apply for grants to help financially and in parallel also strongly encourage individuals to apply for BMET (Burnhead Moss Education & Training) funds.
The Community Council meets on the third Tuesday of the month (except July and August).
If you can't make it along to our meetings please don’t let your concerns or comments go unheard, you can get in touch through the contact us page and we will be happy to take them into our next meeting.
For further information on our Community Projects please go to Our Projects page.
Welcome to our Community Council Website.
It's in its infancy but has been introduced alongside our village newsletter. Feel free to have a browse around and let us know what you think!
Click on the cross at the top right to close this message or click on banner below to find out more about whats happening in our village.